Thursday 23 July 2015

Methods Patients Therapy and Diet Child Autism

Autism is a complex developmental disorder that typically begins to look at the first 3 years of age of the baby and can affect the ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is usually explained by certain behaviors. Not exactly known single cause of autism, but with the increasing number of studies conducted is expected to further help families who have a family member with autism.

Autism causes kids to behave unusual, could be a pat hand, saying the same words over and over, have temper grumpy or just play with one toy only. Most children with autism do not like changes in their daily life. These children like schedules are always the same and may also insist that a particular toy or object arranged and became angry when the object is modified or moved.

If someone is suffering from autism, the brain has to be able to understand the issues surrounding environment. Every day the human brain will translate sight, sound, smell and other things that experienced by the body. If the brain is not able to help understand these things, then we will have trouble functioning, talking, traveling or running the day-to-day activities.

Therapy For Autism Patients
To determine whether a child has autism or not, is very difficult. Parents often are the first to know when there are problems in children, such as children do not also speak on his age, was not too keen on others, or which do not behave normally. But these symptoms can not be directly linked to autism, as for example, a child who is slow to speak could be because they have hearing problems.

Often the specialists must work together in a team to be able to figure out what causes it. These specialists may include, pediatrician, child neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist child labor, child labor speech therapy, physiotherapy, etc. The team will learn when children play, learn, communicate and behave. The team will also consider a note from a parent. Based on this information, the doctor will be able to decide whether a child has autism or other problems.

One of the problems in the treatment of autism is the lack of standards in terms of therapies for autism. This is because the causes of autism itself is not widely known, moreover, each person usually shows different things physical, emotional, behavioral and social problems. However in the literature itself can be found in various types of therapy to overcome the problem of autism.

Here are some types of therapies used to treat Autism:
Behavior analysis (Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA))
This therapy is a treatment that is the oldest and most widely researched and developed for autism. ABA therapy is an intensive training system using the gifts that focus on specific teaching system.

Speech therapy
Almost all people with autism have speech or language problems so hopefully with speech or language therapy can help people with autism to communicate with others.

Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy focuses on forming ability of everyday life. Because most people with autism experience a slow motor development, the occupational therapy is very important. An occupational therapist can also provide integrated sensory training, which is a technique that can help people with autism to cope with hypersensitivity to noise, light and touch.

Social skills therapy
One result of autism is the least social and communication skills. Many children with autism need help to create the capacity in order to maintain conversations, connect with new friends or even know where to play. A therapist social skills can help to create or facilitate social interaction.

Physical therapy / physiotherapy
Autism is a developmental perfasif slow. Many people with autism who have motor development delays and some have low muscle mass (weak). Physical therapy can train strength, coordination and basic ability to exercise.

Play therapy
Although it sounds strange, but children with autism need help to play. Play can also be used as a tool to train the conversation, and social communication skills. This play therapy can be combined with talk therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy.

Behavior therapy
Children with autism often looks frustrated. They are difficult to communicate their needs and suffer from hypersensitivity to sound, light or touch, so sometimes they apply rude or intrusive. A behavioral therapists are trained to be able to determine the causes behind such negative behavior and recommend changes to the child's everyday environment or to be able to improve his behavior.

Therapeutic Developments
Development or developmental therapies therapy aims to build interest, strength and development of the children themselves to improve intelligence, emotional and social. Therapy is often contrary to the development of behavioral therapy, which is usually best done to teach specific skills in children, such as tying shoelaces or brushing teeth etc.

Visual therapy
Many people with autism are visual thinkers, so the method of learning to communicate through pictures do. One way is through Pecs (Picture Exchange Communication). Besides learning through video also can be done either with video modeling, video games or other electronic communications systems. This method can accommodate excess autism in the visual field to be used to build skills and communication.

Biomedical Therapy
Biomedical therapies including the use of drugs for the treatment of autism, although most biomedical treatments performed based approach AND (Defeat Autism Now). Doctors who have undergone training on this will determine the method AND a special diet, supplements or other alternative treatments for the treatment of autism. In the US alone this treatment has not received approval from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or the CDC (Center for Disease Control), although many anecdotal stories that reported positive results from such therapy. If you intend to consult with practitioners AND, make sure the person is a medical background.

Diet For Autism Patients
Autism is a complex brain disorder that is not yet known cure. Therefore, Families with autism many are interested in doing other alternative methods, such as dietary or nutritional foods that can help treat the symptoms of autism.

Eliminating gluten (a protein contained in wheat flour, barley or oats) and casein (the protein found in milk and other dairy products) which is commonly called the GFCF diet (Gluten Free, Casein Free) is one popular diet to treat symptoms of autism. It is based on the hypothesis that these proteins are absorbed differently in children with autism and react resemble opiates reactions in the brain, this hypothesis is not based on an allergic reaction. Neither the hypothesis nor the effectiveness of these therapies have not had basic scientific research and other studies are still widely practiced in many places. Yet many families have reported that the diet of the removal of gluten and casein can help some things such as BAB, sleep, activity and behavior of children become more organized and increase individual progress of the child.

If you want to run the diet of the elderly should still sticking to the basic nutritional guidelines for children, such as by removing milk consumption will result in reduced intake of calcium to the body so it should be given another alternative source for calcium is essential for bone growth in children. It is also recommended for parents to consult a doctor or nutritionist first if you want to diet or dietary restriction in children. The health workers also can help choose the right diet program and appropriate for the growth and development of children, including the selection of a balanced diet.

Thursday 16 July 2015

10 Types of Autism Therapy

Lately sprung up in various ways / drugs / supplements offered by the lure can cure autism. Sometimes it is heavily promoted by the seller, there are ways to advertise themselves in television / radio / writings.

Parents should be careful and do not carelessly let their children as guinea pigs. Unfortunately there are still many who are fooled, and after spending a lot of money to be disappointed because of the expected results are not achieved.
Here are 10 types of therapy that actually recognized by professionals and are good for autism. However, do not forget that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder process, so that any kind of therapy that is done will require a long time. Except that, the therapy should be integrated and each child requires a different type of therapy.

1) Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

ABA is a type of therapy that has long been used, have done research and designed specifically for children with autism. The system used is given special training in children by providing positive reinforcement (reward / praise). This type of therapy is measurable progress. Current therapy is the most widely used in Indonesia.

2) Speech Therapy

Almost all children with autism have difficulties in speech and language. Usually it is the most prominent, many autistic individuals are non-verbal or speech is very less.
Sometimes he spoke quite developed, but they are not able to use speech to communicate / interact with others.
In this case the speech and language therapy can be very helpful.

3) Occupational Therapy

Almost all children with autism have delays in fine motor development. His movements were stiff and rough, they are difficult to hold the pencil in the right way, difficult to hold the spoon and the feeding of kemulutnya, and so forth. In this case occupational therapy is very important to train the muscles using delicate -otot correctly.

4) Physical Therapy

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder. Many autistic individuals have developmental delay in gross motor.

Sometimes flabby muscle tone so that the course is less strong. His balance is not good. Physiotherapy and sensory integration therapy will very much help to strengthen muscles and improve his balance.

5) Social Therapy

The most fundamental deficiencies for individuals with autism is in the field of communication and interaction. Many of these children need help in 2-way communication skills, make friends and play together in place to play. A social terqapis help by providing facilities for them to get along with peers and teach cara2nya.

6) Play Therapy

Although hearing strange, an autistic child needs help in learning to play. Play with peers is useful to learn to speak, communication and social interaction. A therapist can help a child to play in this regard with certain techniques.

7) Behaviour Therapy.

Autistic children often feel frustrated. His friends often do not understand them, they find it difficult to express their needs, they are many who are hypersensitive to sound, light and touch. No wonder that they often run amok. A behavioral therapist is trained to look for the background of the negative behavior and find a solution by recommending changes in the child's environment and routine to improve his behavior,

8) Therapeutic Developments

Floortime, Son-rise and RDI (Relationship Developmental Intervention) is considered as a therapeutic developments. This means that children learn their interests, strength and level of development, and improved social skills, emotional and Intellectual. Different developmental therapies such as behavioral therapy teaches ABA much more specific skills.

9) Visual Therapy

Autistic individuals more easily learned by seeing (visual learners / visual thinkers). It is then used to develop learning methods of communication through images, for example by methods ............. And Pécs (Picture Exchange Communication System). Some video games can also be used to develop communication skills.

10) Biomedical Therapy

Biomedical therapies developed by a group of physicians who are members of the AND! (Defeat Autism Now). Many of the pioneering have autistic children. They are very determined to do research and found that the symptoms the child is exacerbated by the presence of metabolic disorders which will have an impact on brain function disorders. Therefore, these children examined intensively, examination, blood, urine, feces, and hairs. All things found abnormal cleared, so that the brain becomes clean of interference. Terrnyata more children progress when you get comprehensive therapy, ie therapy from outside and from within his own body (biomedical).

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Treatment for Autism children

Although autism can not be cured, there are a lot of educational support services and specialized behavioral therapy can improve the abilities of people with autism. But help for autism has many types and families are usually difficult to choose which one fits assistance because the effect will be different in each persons. Treatment of autism also requires a commitment of time, emotional, and financial.

Autism treatment program (often called intervention) typically involve specialists, such as pediatricians, psychologists, psychiatrists, speech therapists and occupational therapists.

Important aspects in the development of children who should be focusing on each support is the ability to communicate, the ability to interact, cognitive abilities (eg, play creatively), and academic skills.

Intervention Social Interaction
This type of assistance aims to help autistic children to communicate and interact so that they are more adaptable. This early intervention may also be held at the school or with their parents and teachers.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) divide capability (eg, communication and cognitive abilities) into simple tasks that are taught in a structured and provide a gift or compliment to encourage good behavior. ABA is usually done at home, but sometimes there are certain programs that can be applied in school or daycare.

Simple tasks become more complex over time in this type of therapy that is widely used in Indonesia can help the development of the child with the ability to gradually improve. But there are some experts who doubted the usefulness of alarming intensity and ability are developed outside of therapy.

Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH)

There is research that shows that children with autism often show a better response to the information given visually. That's why the emphasis TEACCH structured learning system using visual communication.

Teaching and Training For Parents
The role of parents for children with autism is very important. The active participation of parents will support and help improve the ability of the child.

Seek as much information as possible about autism and treatment is highly recommended for the elderly. You can find out more through Community Care Autism Indonesia (MPATI), Autisma Indonesia Foundation, and the International Center for Special Care in Education (ICSCE).

Help your child to communicate can reduce anxiety and improve behavior because communication is a special obstacles for children with autism. Tips may be useful:

Use simple words.
Always call the child's name when talking to him.
Take advantage of body language to clarify your intentions.
Speak slowly and clearly.
Give your child time to process your words.
Do not talk when all around you are noisy.
Improve Communication Skills
There are several treatment is usually recommended to overcome the problems experienced by your child's communication, namely:

Help psychological therapy

Psychological treatment may be recommended to help treatment if your child is suffering from autism and psychiatric problems, such as anxiety disorders. Examples of this type of treatment is cognitive behavior therapy or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Psychological therapy is generally done by seeing a psychologist to tell the feelings as well as their impact on the behavior and welfare. Therefore the specialists involved should adjust therapy method with limitations with autism. For example, information in the form of written or visual and use simple language.

Speech therapy

Almost all children with autism have difficulty speaking. This therapy prioritize training to improve the ability to speak so that children are able to interact with others.

The therapist will use a number of techniques such as visual aids, story, and toys to improve communication skills.

Picture Exchange Communication System (Pecs)

Pecs therapist will use pictures to help children with autism. This method is chosen because the image is more effective to communicate for some autistic children.

In the early stages, children will be taught how simple communication such as giving picture cards to communicate with adults. Then the therapist will teach skills more difficult, for example using picture cards to form sentences. The aim of this process is that children learn to start communication without being asked.

Makaton communication methods

Makaton is a method of communication using sign language and symbols to help people with autism communicate. This method is designed to assist verbal communication. Therefore, sign language and symbols typically used in conjunction with a word that means can be better understood.

Each movement has a Makaton sign language symbols each in the form of simple images. The symbol can also be used without sign language. Makaton is very flexible because it can be used according to the needs of each wearer. For example for:

Express thoughts, choices, and emotions.
Marking objects, images, photographs, and place.
Playing and singing.
Write recipes, shopping lists, letters, and messages.
Help show the way or buildings.
Most people with autism who initially using Makaton time they will stop naturally and switch on verbal communication skills along with the ability to talk to them.

In addition to improving the basic abilities of communication in some people with autism, Makaton can also help the process of their social interactions.

Use of Drugs
Although can not cure autism, drugs may be given the relevant specialists to control certain symptoms. But your child is usually advised to undergo re-examination after drinking for several weeks because these drugs have significant side effects. Several types of drugs commonly given are:

Depression can be overcome with a kind of selective serotonin release inhibitors (SSRIs).
Sleeplessness that can be treated with drugs such as melatonin.
Hyperactivity can be treated with drugs such as methylphenidate.
Epilepsy can be treated with a type of medicine called anticonvulsants.
Aggressive behavior and harmful, such as berserk or hurting yourself. If severe or psychological treatment had no effect, these abnormalities may be overcome with anti-psychotic drugs.
Treatment methods are Worth Avoiding
There are a number of alternative treatment methods that calculated the potential to overcome autism, but their effectiveness has not been proven at all, and there is even a possibility of some of them dangerous. Here are some alternative treatment methods should be avoided:

Special diets, such as gluten or casein-free diet.
Neurofeedback therapy. Usually monitored brain activity through electrodes placed on the head. Patients could see his brain waves through the screen and be taught how to change it.
Chelation therapy that uses drugs or other substances to remove metal substances, especially mercury, from the body.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Treatment with oxygen under high pressure air chamber.

Saturday 11 July 2015


The development of special needs children in Indonesia at this time
increased sharply, both in quantity and diversity of disorder. child
early age (4-6 years) who have non-normative behavior seen from the level
development, there are several kinds, among which; hyperactive
(ADHD), Mental Disability, speech difficulties, aggressiveness, Shy, dissident,
Coward, Temper Tantrum and Autism (Azwandi, Yosfan, 2005).
The situation of children who experienced physical disorder, hyperactivity and autism
have been many complaints of parents, teachers and community and this complaint
continue to increase. Often children like the above-mentioned lack
serious attention, it is associated with good perception of parents,
teachers and the public of the existence of these children less

Applied behavior analysis (ABA), Biomedicine, Sensory Integration and casein diet
and glutein, a therapy that is widely used in children with
capable of language, social, academic, and the ability to help themselves.
Application of ABA method with discipline and high intensity over
first, therefore this method is promising around 47% of children with autism
purely to get back to normal.
ABA method turned out very well for use on all children
with special needs, even if the material provided may be different each other,
adapted to the conditions and individual abilities of each child.
Behavioral therapy is actually ABA method is "home-base" therapy.
So the implementation of actual child therapy at home is the best option

If the parents of children with autism are less / not have
information regarding disorders experienced by children, of course it will be difficult
provide special services needed her. most likely
they will be stuck to the efforts of finding a solution in try the spent energy, thoughts and substantial funds. yet
continue to experience lack of success, for the parents are in need
information about the intricacies of autism as well as efforts
should be done to mitigate them. They will be looking for
solving problems efficiently and effectively, because they can choose
place and type of services that fit their needs. children
the family will also be able to reasonable treatment and as well as possible for
support recovery

Thursday 9 July 2015


Observing the development of technology and communications are increasingly fast-paced membutuhkangerak
, Because it has the effect of influencing the human lifestyle yanggampang, practical, economical and sebagainya.Kadang we forget that not all the economic praktisdan it is good for health unwittingly tubuhmanusia and disease progression are also more and more and one disease satunyaadalah
  where the child has a behavioral disease yangmenyebabkan not concerned with the social environment influence the development sehinggadapat bahasanyaatau
delayed speech
, Where previously mentioned

that autistic children will not be able disembuhkan.Tetapi we get and feel adakemungkinan faster healing for children with autism better if known earlier olehdokter and family will be able to penangananyang faster. Even abroad, people with autism have mampumenyandang sudahada doktoral.Dalam title last 10 years has been a lot of institutions that deal with autism, melaluiterapi the right form of medicine, food, maupunterapi talk with atausering Lovaas method called ABA (
  Applied Behaviour Analysis
) Is desperately needed by children autis.Semakin increasingly many cases of hearing

Disturbances in the pro-komunikasimenjadi cause of barriers interact with the environment sosialnya.Sehingga communication therapy to be crucial for the healing gejalaatau children who have autism. Dapatmembangun communication concentration in children with autism akanmenjadi significant therapeutic cure rate. For the Lovaas method yangmerupakan method that emphasizes padaanalisis expected behavior will support the healing autism

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Child therapists method selection Authism

Autism is a spectrum disorder ( spectrum disorder) is characterized by limited social skills and communication .

Here are five types of autism according to the Autism Society of America :
1. Asperger Syndrome
This type of disorder characterized by a deficiency of social interaction and a difficulty in accepting changes in daily routine.
Asperger syndrome, language skills are not too bothered when compared with other disorders.
Children who suffer from this type of autism are less sensitive to pain, but can not cope with exposure to loud noise or lights that suddenly.
Children with Asperger's syndrome have average intelligence or above average so academically able and not problematic. 2. Autistic Disorder
In most cases, affected children autistic disorder do not have the ability to speak and only rely on non-verbal communication.
Autistic disorder is also known as true autism or childhood autism as largely developed in the first three years of the child's age. These conditions resulted in the extreme withdraw children to the social environment and indifferent.
Children do not show affection or willingness to establish communication.
Occupational therapy is a method the therapist to train the fine motor children with special needs (special needs children ) . Occupational therapy to help strengthen , improve muscle coordination and skills .

Almost all children with special needs (special needs children ) , including autism spectrum disorder have a delay in the development of fine motor skills , the activity moves stiff and rough . For example : holding a pencil , holding a spoon , the feeding to the mouth ..
Sensory Integration Therapy is a therapist method of organizing information through sensory - sensory ( touch , movement , balance , smell , taste , sight and hearing ) which is very useful to produce a meaningful response for children with special needs (special needs children ) .n to mouth . ,
Applied behavior analysis therapist's therapist is a method for forming positive behavior in children with special needs (special needs children ) diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder , the therapist method is better known as ABA ( applied behavior analysis ) or Lovass method .

children with special needs (special needs children ) with autism spectrum disorder disorder often feel frustrated . The therapist looking backdrop of negative behavior and find solutions by recommending positive behavior change based on the environment and routine that is not conducive

Sunday 24 May 2015

the selection method of the Trappist autism

A wide variety of management of the children are / is offered throughout the world, ie for example ABA (applied behavior analysis), Biomedical Intervention, speech therapy, sensory integration therapy, occupation therapy, dolphin therapy, Pecs (Picture Exchange Communication System), Son-Rise, TEACCH, music therapy, craniosacral therapy, EEG-Neurofeedback, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, stem cell therapy, etc. However, there are only two main therapies (intervention of choice) for autism, namely ABA (applied behavior analysis) and Biomedical Intervention.

Among the various methods for treatment and education with autism, the ABA (applied behavior analysis) who has been very widely accepted as an effective and efficient method

Chosen method of ABA / Lovaas because the benefits of systematic, structured and MEASURED. The method invented by Prof. Ivar Lovaas has been through research since decades ago. Then popularized in Indonesia since 1997 by Dr.Rudy Sutadi, Sp.A, MARS, SPdI.
In addition to providing services at the center of our therapy can also provide therapy package waitress home (home visit) where the therapist will come provide therapy at home

After going through intensive therapy, the children are expected to enroll in formal education / regular schools (inclusive). Sahabat Qualita has been cooperating with some regular schools (inclusion) so that the children are addressed and evaluated was ready to follow the school will be given a reference school readiness.